West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
Student Life

Senior News

Class of 2024 News

Class of 2024 Road to Graduation

Graduation is just around the corner, and we want to ensure every graduate and their loved ones are informed and prepared as these future celebrations quickly approach.  This is a very full email, so please review all sections as there is a lot of information.  

Information from Counseling

Complete High School and Beyond Plan tasks in Naviance: complete your resume, AchieveWorks Personality assessment, and the graduation survey.   It is imperative that each senior completes the graduation survey in Naviance; the graduation survey will ask where you are attending college in the fall and where to send your final transcript.  Completing the graduation survey ensures timely processing of final senior transcripts.

    Senior Check-Out on Friday, June 14: The senior check out form is available in students’ English classes.  Students will need to get all the components signed off on and then turn in the completed form to counselors in the library on Friday, June 14. Counselors will be in the library all day on June 14.

      Final Transcripts: For students who applied via the Common Application, your final transcripts will be sent automatically. However, for those who applied through other portals, including direct applications to colleges or universities, we will be sending the final transcripts directly through Naviance.  Please note that final transcripts will be ready by the second week of July. We appreciate your patience as we ensure the accuracy and completeness of all academic records before dispatching them to colleges and universities. 

        Diplomas: will be available for pickup in the main office starting June 20th.  Your student will need to sign for their own diploma. 

          Leading to Graduation

          Yearbook Distribution: Yearbooks were distributed for Seniors on June 4

          • Any Senior that still needs to pick up their book can stop by the school store during lunch to get their book.  

          Senior Check out: Friday, June 14

          • This will be the designated day for checking back in your district issued laptop and charging cords.  You will visit the library during your Language Arts class on this day. 
          • If you do not have a Language Arts class or you are a running start student you can stop by the library at any point on this day to return your materials 
          • If you do not have your materials to turn in at this time a fine will be added to your account. *see senior checkout for next steps 
          • If you have any questions about laptops, reach out to Mrs. Carlson in the library cmcarlson@seattleschools.org

          Seniors last day of classes: Friday June 14

          • This will be the seniors’ last official day of school.  We will run a modified schedule that day to accommodate the Moving Up ceremony.
          • Schedule: Assembly Schedule 23_24 (1).docx  
          • One tradition is for seniors to wear gear from the future college, military branch, or work field they plan to attend. 
          • Please help ASB and Counselors plan for the moving up ceremony by sharing your plans.  This is a quick two question form 
          • https://forms.office.com/r/00YZP7sGjM 

          Senior Sunset: Thursday, June 13 8pm.

          Location to come soon, follow @wshsasb on Instagram for updates. 

          Senior Breakfast: Monday, June 17 9am 

          • Senior entrance is through the courtyard, counselors will check your arrival off between 8:45 am and 9:00 am.  
          • This is a free event for seniors and will count as your attendance for the day. 
          • Parents/Guardians of Graduating Seniors we need your assistance. The graduation class is 297 large please consider helping with donations, setup and take down.  To sign up to support, please use this link. Questions about Breakfast contact Amy Doll asdoll@seattleschools.org  donations are accepted on Saturday in the School Library.  

          Graduation Practice: Monday, June 17 following the senior breakfast  

          • As the senior breakfast winds down, we will transition from the commons to the gym for a full graduation practice. 
          • This practice is required for participation in the actual graduation. 
          • You will be able to choose who you sit with but not necessarily who you walk with during the ceremony. 
          • We will practice entering and exiting from our seats multiple times, we will do a loose run through of the ceremony practicing moments when the seniors will be involved, and we will practice name reading. 
          • There is not set run time for this practice.  The more you listen and follow directions, the quicker we will get through the practice.  Run time is determined by your actions. 
          • One item you will have to take care of during practice is creating your name card. This card will be used to say your name properly when you receive your diploma. Each student will fill out a name card with the full name you’d like read at the ceremony. You will write it as it is spelled and write it out phonetically. Example:  
            • Angela Ferda 
            • Ann-juh-luh Fur-duh 

          Graduation: Tuesday, June 18 at 8pm  

          • Location: Memorial Stadium: 401 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
          • Expect the ceremony to last no longer than 90 minutes
          • Graduates should enter through the lower NE “tunnel” entrance and gather at the West endzone of the stadium.
          • Graduates should be at the West endzone no later than 7:00 

          What to wear 

          • To participate in the ceremony graduates must be in the National Achiever issued cap & gown unit zipped up. 
          • You can decorate your cap as you please, but it must be a school appropriate message. 
          • No curse words, drug or alcohol references, or inappropriate images 
          • If your cap is not appropriate you will have to buy a new one at the ceremony to participate in graduation. 
          • Any additional cords, stoles, and medals that were earned through scholarship, clubs, or awards are free to be worn on top of the traditional cap and gown unit 
          • Students who have been gifted cultural gear such as leis or cultural stoles are welcome to wear those on top of the gap and gown unit 
          • You will be walking one full loop around the track and the length of the football field before you take your seats.  You will also walk from your seats, across the stage, and back to your seats when your name is called.  After the ceremony you will be walking the length of the field and up a hill on the NW side of the stadium ending at the central fountains. 
          • Wear appropriate shoes that you can walk in 

          Tickets for Graduation: there are none 

          There is no cap on the number of guests that can attend per graduate.  No tickets will be issued so feel free to invite as many in your party as you wish.  Memorial Stadium is open seating, so no seats are reserved.  Both sides of the stadium will be open for seating. 

          Parking & entrance locations 

          • There is paid parking available at the stadium, street parking in the lower Queen Anne district, as well as across the street from the stadium at the Gates Foundation. 
          • We encourage families to carpool together, drop their graduates at the tunnel entrance, and then go find parking. 
          • Both the North and South sides of the stadium will be open for families and friends to enter. 
          • Memorial Stadium is known for its extremely steep stairs so please keep that in mind. 
          • The district has promised that there will be reserved disability seating that can be accessed from both the North and South entrances. 
          • Your graduate will know what side of the stadium they are seated on after graduation practice so be sure to connect with them to know what side of the stadium is best for viewing. 
          • Graduation will be live streamed:

          Celebrating your graduate 

          • Per district rules, no balloons, glitter, confetti, silly string, fog horns, banners, or loud noisemakers are permitted. 
          • Anything that impedes someone else from seeing or hearing their own graduate is not allowed. 
          • There will be no on-field celebrations or picture opportunities for graduates and families following the ceremony. 
          • Families and friends should use the designated exits immediately after the ceremony and plan to reunite with their graduate at the Seattle Center central fountain. 
          • A professional photographer will be working the ceremony and you can order prints here
          • You are welcome to bring your own cameras to capture your moments, but families must stay in the designated seating while taking photos. 

          Picking up your diploma 

          Diploma’s will be available in the WSHS main office starting Thursday June 20, 8-4pm only.

          Should you have any questions or require further assistance regarding the transmission of final transcripts, please do not hesitate to reach out to the West Seattle counseling department. We are here to support you throughout this process and wish you all the best as you prepare for the exciting journey ahead. 

          2024 End of Year Events and Activities

          Thursday May 2ndCap & Gown DistributionAt lunch in the commons
          Thursday May 23rdSenior Awards Night6 pm in the theater
          Monday June 3rdSenior Checkout Sheets releasedDeadline to sign off on a student is the 14th of June
          Friday June 7thProm8-11 pm at the Fremont Foundry
          Friday June 14thSeniors last day in classesSenior checkout sheets due with full signatures
          Monday June 17thSenior Breakfast & Graduation practice9 am in the commons followed by practice in the gym
          Tuesday June 18thGraduation8 pm at Memorial Stadium
          Thursday June 20thDiploma’s available for pickupStudents pick them up in the main office

          Parent Shoutout due January 31, 2024

          The WS yearbook staff believes every senior deserves a special shoutout from the adults that have helped them make it this far and that this tradition should be free. From now until January 27 feel free to leave one message for your senior. For the sake of space, we ask that the messages are limited to one per household and are no longer than 2 sentences.


          • (Student name), we are so proud of you!  You are amazing, smart, kind, and bring us so much joy! Love Dad, Mom, & Jason
          • (Student name), like a force to be reckoned with; a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss.  I will love you with every single thing I have, always. -Mom
          • (Student name), Take the time to enjoy each moment and be ruthless with how you choose to spend your time, it will fly by.  We are proud of you and will continue to cheer you on whatever path you choose. Love, the fam.

          Senior Portrait and Baby Photo due January 15, 2024

          1. Submit photos through our yearbook portal.
          2. Fill out the contact information with the information that matches your photo.
          3. Click Upload Your Portrait.
            • Upload in Portrait not candid section
          4. Click Select Photo and then select the image file from your computer to upload the portrait. Photo Requirements:
            • File format should be Jpeg
            • Images need to be at least 1mb in size
            • Must follow West Seattle HS dress code
            • No watermarks, filters, or masks covering the face
          5. Once you have uploaded your portrait or baby photo, please fill in the student’s name and grade level (12).
            • This is the name that will appear under your photo in the book.
          6. Please note you will not receive a confirmation from the website after you submit, but the yearbook staff plans to release a list of photos received closer to the final deadline.

          Senior Quote due November 15, 2023

          This step can only be done by a senior using their @seattleschools.org SPS email address to log in. No profanity and you must provide a name if directly quoting from someone or something.

          Keep in mind that this will be archived in print forever. Choose your words wisely.