Senior Yearbook Deadlines
Posted on: September 18, 2024

Senior Yearbook Deadlines

- Senior Quote: No later than November 20th
- Submit your senior quote
- This step should only be done by a senior using their @seattleschools SPS email to login
- No profanity or references to inappropriate topics
- Keep in mind that this will be archived in print forever. Choose your words wisely.
- Senior Portrait and Baby Photo: No later than January 10th
- Submit photos through our yearbook portal
- Submit senior portrait and baby photos
- The link will go live starting today
- Code: west seattle
- Complete the boxes with the information that matches your photo
- Be sure to click the button that says “click here to upload portrait photos” before uploading
- Upload in portrait not candid section
- Submit photos through our yearbook portal

- Once you have uploaded your portrait or baby photo, please fill in students name and grade level (12).
- This is the name that will appear under your photo in the book.
- If baby photo, please indicate baby, not grade 12.
- Photo Requirements
- File format should be Jpeg
- Images need to be at least 1mb in size
- Must follow West Seattle dress code
- No watermarks, filters, or masks covering the face
- Please note you will not receive a confirmation from the website after you submit but the yearbook staff plans to release a list of photos received closer to the final deadline
- Adult Shoutout: No later than January 31st
- The WS yearbook staff believes every senior deserves a special shoutout from the adults that have helped them make it this far and that this tradition should be free.
- From now until the 31st feel free to leave one message for your senior.
- For sake of space, we ask that the messages stay one per household and are no longer than 2 sentences.
- Examples:
- (Student name), we are so proud of you! You are amazing, smart, kind, and bring us so much joy! Love Dad, Mom, & Addy
- (Student name), like a force to be reckoned with; a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss. I will love you with every single thing I have, always. -Mom
- (Student name), Take the time to enjoy each moment and be ruthless with how you choose to spend your time, it will fly by. We are proud of you and will continue to cheer you on whatever path you choose. Love, the fam.
- Submit adult shoutouts