Assessments at West Seattle High School
West Seattle Seniors and Families, if you have any questions regarding your required state tests, please contact Testing Coordinator Amy Doll at
All students in grade 10 are required to take the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA). All students in grade 11 are required to take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). A parent or guardian may opt out a student by submitting a Refusal Request. Students who do not participate will receive a “zero” score on the assessment and be considered non-proficient. This may impact the student’s future class choices.
Smarter Balanced Assessments
All Students are required to meet State Standards in English Language and Math to earn a diploma. The most efficient way to demonstrate proficiency is by taking and passing the state exams given to students in the spring of their sophomore year.
Students must bring a district issued laptop; WSHS will provide headphones and test tickets. The SBA Assessment is untimed (ELA averages 3–4 hours and Math averages 2–3). SBA Assessments are divided into two sections:
- CAT (computer adaptive test) 20 items
- PT (performance task)
- Segment one: Short answer or constructed response
- Segment two: Longer writing task associated with the same articles/sources
Items prohibited during test sessions:
- Backpacks/bags, cell phones, AirPods/earbuds, smart watches, other electronics
All items will be collected from students with no access (including during breaks) until class is dismissed. Items found on students will result in canceled scores.
Seniors SAT Information
- College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Download the official College Board SAT student guide.
- PSAT Score Report Video To Practice For SAT Understand your PSAT scores and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy® practice tests tailored just for you to prepare for the SAT.
- Khan Academy SAT Practice The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide a personalized practice program.
- SAT Prep For general information regarding the SAT.
SAT Understanding Scores and Reporting
SAT scores are released online (date to be posted) by the CollegeBoard. Students will need to log in to their CollegeBoard account to view their scores.
Check out the following resources on SAT scores
- How to Get Your Scores
- Understanding your SAT Scores | Finding out how SAT scores are calculated, score structure, what SAT scoring means for you.
- How to Send SAT Scores | Information about sending your SAT scores.
Resources and Information
Visit the Free SAT Practice at CollegeBoard for testing tips and resources.
Refer to the district SAT page for more information about testing and Seattle Public Schools.
This school year the BHS Counselors want to encourage all 12th graders to take it as it is an opportunity to meet the Graduation Pathway requirement. The Graduation Pathway requirement can be met a few different ways including taking and earning a cut score on the SBA, SAT or ACT. Or also, by taking and passing a college level English and college level math course.
Seattle Public School SAT Info & Resources
The SAT is the most widely used college admission test in the country. SAT scores demonstrate students are prepared for college with necessary skills and knowledge.
Students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) may be eligible to receive additional benefits from the College Board such as free SAT tests and unlimited sending of scores. In order to receive these benefits, applicants must check the box on the form for ‘Pre College Exams’ in section number 7 of the form and sign. Visit the Seattle Public Schools School Day SAT page for more information.
The school-day administration offers these benefits:
- No cost. The school day test is free for SPS students. No action is required of families in advance.
- Students may also send up to four score reports for free. The school-day test permits students to send score reports to as many as four colleges or scholarship programs.
- Additional pathway to graduation. A qualifying score on the SAT can be used as a graduation pathway for English Language Arts ELA and/or math.
The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) focuses on the knowledge and skills that the best evidence indicates are essential for college and career readiness and success. This test is composed of four sections: Math, Reading, Writing and Language, and Essay.
Additional Resources
- College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Download the official College Board SAT student guide.
- PSAT Score Report Video To Practice For SAT Understand your PSAT scores and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy® practice tests tailored just for you to prepare for the SAT.
- Khan Academy SAT Practice The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide a personalized practice program.
- SAT Prep For general information regarding the SAT.